Who am I?

This is me in 2013 on the way to Gorakshep in the Himalayas…


That peak hiding behind the range on the left, that be Mt. Everest.


So, I’ll break it down like they do on Top Trumps…


Year of Birth: 1980 – year of the monkey

Height: 6’4″

Weight: 95kg/210lbs

Special Power: Inexplicable ability to grow a ginger beard after trekking for 2+ weeks

Weapon of Choice: Will talk random nonsense until ears burst

Arch Nemesis: The Cornish Pasty

Closest Ally: Glenfiddich 18yo

Greatest Achievement: Surviving the world’s most dangerous flight and reaching EBC

Next Challenge: Walking JOGLE in 30 days, in the Winter


Humblebrag photo opportunity…



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