The Training Has Begun

…and the blisters have risen! I’m veering towards using trailrunners as opposed to boots. My Garmonts were perfect for Everest Base Camp but after walking 7 miles on tarmac the other day, my feet were ready to flame up and burn away. They make my feet too hot and obviously heavier than the trail running trainers.

I’m trying to get out and about when I can. The difficulty lies in having to ‘live life’. A training trek of 30 miles is an all day job and I just don’t have a full day off every week to get that done but I’m doing what I can.

A 90 minute. 6 mile trek, with elevation of 220 metres can be pulled off quite easily. An eight mile trek down a country road was good going to set the pace for the longer walk.

These are specific training treks. I don’t include a 1.5 mile walk to the shops, a training trek. Nor the 1.3 mile walk when cutting the grass – seriously, GPS clocked me at 1.3 miles cutting the grass! I’m talking here about specific treks with light gear (currently) as training walks.

I did a 12 mile walk last week on tarmac with a little off piste. I literally used my Garmin eTrek 30 GPS to take me away for 6 miles where I had a 5 minute break before returning on the same track. It felt good if a little lightheaded for want of water on the return leg!!

Did a 13 mile walk yesterday evening in 3hrs 10m, I think that is the pace I need to be on.

The pace is no problem it is the foot care that has suddenly become the issue – and the obvious impairment to be overcome before the grand walk itself. I was expecting to get blisters and foot damage but it is more than I expected. See the next post for my first blister challenge.